En este artículo me gustaría recopilar los diferentes artículos y entrevistas sobre esta guerrera real que hemos encontrado por la red y ponerlos a vuestra disposición.
La primera noticia que recibí a través del grupo de Combate Medieval de Facebook fue esta:
Aprovecho para reproduciros la entrevista a continuación:
This Armored Lady Won The Longsword Competition At a World Invitational Tournament by AMY RATCLIFFE on AUGUST 26, 2013 Women who fight in jousting tournaments are awesome. Period. In fact, anyone who combats in a medieval setting earns my admiration but I especially look up to ladies because well, I’m a lady. Samantha Swords competes and she won the longsword competition in February of this year at the Harcourt Park World Invitational Jousting Tournament. She has several swords, and she designed the ones she uses the most. They’re specifically made for the style of fighting she does so they’re strong but not necessarily sharp. Regardless, I wouldn’t make her angry. Photo by Rey Alabastro. Check out a fascinating video interview with Samantha after the break. (Art of Swords via Tumblr)
Read more at http://fashionablygeek.com/videos-2/this-armored-lady-won-the-longsword-competition-at-a-world-invitational-tournament/#vTSKGAJf71rWp5sE.99
Investigando un poquito mas, pude ver esta entrevista realizada durante el mismo torneo:
A partir de aquí busque un poco más, y me tope con su pagina profesional y personal, en la que podéis leer su curriculum: entre otras cosas participa como especialista en películas de acción como El hobbit, entre otras.
http://samanthaswords.tumblr.com/AboutSamantha is a artist, writer and performer based in the Entertainment industry.
She has been contracted as technician to the world-renowned, multiple Academy award-winning Weta Workshop since 2008, specialising in props and armour-construction. Notable past productions include The Hobbit trilogy, District 9 and Elysium.
Samantha is passionate about being active. She trained in Entertainment Technology, has experience in outdoor adventure and is a competitive martial artist in Historical European fighting, focussing on medieval self defense. She is an actor and stunt fighter, and has performed to live audiences and in high budget film productions.
She loves to share knowledge and has worked as an instructor in English language, visual arts, martial arts, the outdoors, acting and youth work.
Para finalizar llegué a una entrevista bastante amplia en una revista especializada de la que ya os habñaré más adelante, en inglés, pero no por ello menos interesante:
Para concluir me gustaría dejaros una reseña en castellano sobre esta señorita que curiosamente se publicó en un medio dedicado a los juegos de rol:
Es posible que este artículo no tenga mucho que ver con la gomaespuma, pero ya sabéis que de vez en cuando tocamos temas tangenciales, que esperamos que os gusten o al menos os hagan pasar un rato ameno.
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